Misiune: Misiunea agentiei SIRI IMOB este de a oferi tuturor clientilor servicii de cea mai inalta calitate prin integrarea unor solutii eficiente, etice si profesionale. Reprezentam o echipa de profesionisti cu integritate si standarde ridicate care doresc imbunatatirea serviciilor imobiliare practicate pe piata imobiliara din Cluj Napoca si garanteaza o prestanta excelenta atat in relatiile cu clientii cat si in promovarea ofertelor. Agentii nostrii doresc crearea unui mediu transparent si sigur de tranzactionare a proprietatilor imobiliare si aspira spre atingerea celor mai ridicate standarde de profesionalism si integritate.
The mission of SIRI IMOB is to offer all our clients the highest possible quality services by integrating efficient, ethical and professional solutions. We represent a team of professionals with integrity and high standards who desire to improve the real estate services practiced in Cluj Napoca and guarantees an excellent delivery of services both to our buyers as well as to the customers and the properties we are promoting. Our agents are working towards creating a transparent and secure environment to transact diverse real estate properties and aspires to the highest standards of professionalism and integrity.
Viziune: Viziunea SIRI IMOB este de a oferi servicii imobiliare excelente pentru a depasi asteptarile clientilor nostri. Agentii nostri lucreaza intotdeuna in interesul clientului si catre satisfactia acestora. Agentia noastra se bazeaza pe construirea unor relatii de incredere si transparenta. Reprezentam generatia noua in tranzactiile imobiliare si dorim implementarea unor reguli etice si profesionale in domeniul nostru de activitate.
Our vision at SIRI IMOB is to provide excellent real estate services in order to go above expectations for our clients. Our agents are consistently working in our clients interest and towards their satisfaction. Our agency is based on building trusty and transparent relationships. We represent the new generation in real estate transacting and we strive towards implementing ethical and professional rules in our field of activity.
Onestitate, integritate si castig: Agentia noastra se angajeaza sa ofere sinceritate, transparenta si cea mai optima solutie de castig in relatiile cu toti clientii nostri.
We employ the highest ethical standards, delivering on our mission with honesty and fairness in every action while striving to execute a win-win for all involved in every transaction we do.
Anticipare, satisfactie si depasirea asteptarilor: Clientii nostri sunt pionii principali ai afacerii noastre. Scopul nostru este de a anticipa si a servi dorintele acestora peste masura asteptarilor.
Our clients are the most important part of our business and are truly at the heart of what we do. It is our greatest desire to serve our clients at every step of the process by delivering a WOW experience that goes above and beyond expectations.
Satisfacerea clientului: Agentii nostri sunt profesionisti in domeniul imobiliar, dar suntem intotdeauna deschisi la noi oportunitati. Continuam sa invatam si sa ne extindem expertiza pentru a putea servi clientii in cel mai eficient si satisfacator mod prin acumulare de cunostinte si crestere continua.
We continue to learn and expand our expertise to serve our clients even better. Our ongoing professional development, combined with our market area expertise in home values and neighborhoods, allows us to provide excellence in all we do each day.
Tehnologie si inovatie: Agentia noastra este in continua evolutie din punct de vedere tehnologic in timp ce monitorizam constant piata imobiliara in termeni de schimbare si inovatie. Suntem in continua crestere si implementam noutati in materie de tehnologie pe masura ce acestea apar pe piata.
We are constantly looking at the changing markets and client needs to provide innovative, creative, and forward-thinking marketing strategies to provide results and solution-based tactics that are always in our clients’ best interests. We are tech-savvy.
Atitudine pozitiva si motivationala: Agentii nostri sunt dedicati domeniului in care activam. Ne dorim sa evoluam si sa devenim indispensabili pe piata imobiliara din Cluj. Activitatea noastra este si hobby-ul nostru si dorim sa oferim servicii de calitate intrucat activam in interesul clientilor nostri.
We truly love what we do – serving Cluj Napoca families and individuals in buying, selling, renting or investing in real estate – and bring this mindset each day to our clients.
Servim si sustinem comunitatea locala: Suntem agenti imobiliari care locuim si iubim comunitatea in care ne desfasuram activitatea. Ne dorim sa imbunatatim si sa evoluam impreuna alaturi de colocatarii nostri. Scopul nostru este sa intermediem tranzactiile imobiliare din zona astfel incat toate partile implicate sa fie satisfacute.
Our business is intimately connected to the neighborhoods and communities in which we work and live, which is why we are committed to volunteering and supporting it.
Parteneriat de lunga durata: Oferim servicii imobiliare pentru clientii nostri si speram sa transformam o relatie de colaborare intr-o prietenie bazata pe loialitate si cooperare pe termen lung. Ne respectam si suntem loiali clientilor nostri si speram ca acestia sa fie satisfacuti de serviciile noastre cat mai mult timp dupa finalizarea tranzactiilor.
We want to continue to be a blessing to our clients long after they sign the closing papers through unique partnerships and opportunities available to them. It’s our desire to be there for our clients throughout their life’s journey and to be their real estate consultant for life.